Friday, February 4, 2011

Vitamin B17 is the alternative cancer solution!

Vitamin B17 also know Amygdalin or Laetrile, is found in Raw Apricot seeds and many other raw Fruit seeds and, is know to cure cancer!

Vitamin B17 is a big part of Real Natural Alternative Way to Cure or Prevent Cancer!

Vitamin B17 was the subject of great controversy over 35 years ago when some of the world's top scientists claimed that when consumed, the components of the seed make it 100% impossible to develop cancer and will kill existing cancer in most cases.

The pharmaceutical companies pounced on this claim about Vitamin B17 immediately and demanded that the FDA conduct studies about Vitamin B17.

Just order CORDYJUICE which has apricot inside..!!!!

Free from cancer now!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Preventing illness is better than cure it

It is a common knowledge that our bodies already have immune systems that work by itself , but sometimes our immune systems are not able to 'fight' any objects that enter the body , this is the main reason why we use medicine to strengthen immune system protection.

But, after all drugs and medicine are chemicals product that have negative effects which occurs quickly or slowly. Preventing illness is always better than cure.